I am not sure if this is the place to write. I often post on the Crohn's Disease website. I have been so busy worrying about
my 8 year old son that I haven't been able to even worry or think about
my problems. I'll have to start taking care of myself again soon because he needs me now more than ever.
We recently found out that he and my 3 year old daughter have been sexually abused. My son feels a huge amt. of guilt for not "saving his sister".(his words) He is now experiencing symptoms of O.C.D. Each day a new symptom arises. Lots of hot showers, hand washing, bad, negative repetitive thoughts, and other routine compulsions/obsessions he is using to try to eliminate his anxiety.
I am writing to just get some advice. I am doing lots of research. I haven't found a great counselor that I really like. So far we haven't tried meds. If behavioral and cognitive therapy don't work, we will look in to that. Any advice or input is greatly appreciated.