I hope it's OK if I said, "stink"---it just does........
I feel like I am looking for the next BIG problem (that's what I get with health anxiety)....
Even though I had a colon/endoscopies done last week--and the MD 'thinks' I have IBS---I still feel like my gall bladder is wonky---b/c I still get pains in my upper right quadrant!
I try to ignore the pain I get after I eat in my righ rib, sometimes back, sometimes rt. shoulder, sometimes rt. arm... but, it's here----all day (after I start eating 'til I go to bed)....
Yesterday, I told DH that just b/c I had a good report on my "scopies"----doesn't mean my pain just 'clicks off'---and I am 100% better! I still get the pain! He tells me I am just looking for the next 'big problem'----so I can focus on that!
YEs, he is right----only b/c I still have the pain-----If I didn't have pain---I would be NOT .
I am just so angry right now with the whole PAIN thing! Everything I read talks about IBS as having abdominal pain, diarrhea/constipation (or change b/t the two), etc... I don't know if abdominal pain includes the upper right quadrant where I experience pain!
My neighbor suggested I take a shot of 'shot glass that is'---of organic cider vinegar for gall bladder pain. I did----for about 4 hours---I thought I was going to throw-up-----and the "nausea" is finally subsiding a little now! Holy moly! But--I still have that PAIN in my right upper quadrant!
I am sorry I am on a rant right now! I will probably only get a response or two----but, I get so frustrated with this whole thing! Health anxiety is no fun!