Yet, another crappy week! Since last week (around Thanksgiving)---I have been experiencing really BAD pain in my right shoulder blade area--around to the front of my ribs! Also, my right arm is going numb sometimes, and my right hand gets COLD! My left arm/hand are OK, it's just my right side!
It's hard to sleep on my back and right side---
So, I found some interesting things on a "rhomboid strain" in the Chronic Pain forum---I thought---"Hmmm... this is interesting....could it be possible?" But-----the pain takes over---and I get all anxious and angry about it!
My DH thinks I am looking for another 'health issue' to focus on.....but, if the pain is there---how can I be looking? It's not far honey! OMG----this is just crazy!
I go to PT next week for my back problems---but, until then---it's just pain! I am afraid to call my MD b/c I call them alot about different things, and am thinking---maybe I should see what the PT thinks---then, call him? I don't know.......
I'm just so and all at the same time!