Hi Danielle. You're not alone.
When I started my Lexapro I was only at 10 mgs but that wasn't working I didn't think so I upped it to 20 mgs. Now I don't think it's working again so I might ask the doc I'm seeing friday about maybe switching to a beta blocker or a different anti depressant.
Sometimes it takes years for people to find the right medication or combination of medications. My sister has panic disorder and has tried ativan, xanax, klonopin (benzos) Klonopin works for her. She has also tried Celexa, Zoloft, Lexapro, Paxil and numerous other antidepressants. She has beta blocker medication but doesn't want to take it and is weaning off of Lexapro and looking into other alternatives. She's been suffereing with PD for about 13 years.
I go back and forth between the Ativan I take. I go from a .5 mgs a day to maybe 1 mg a day depending on how panicky I'm feeling.
A few years ago I tried Zoloft for panic but that made me more panicky so I stopped taking it after a month.
I fear never getting better. It's my biggest fear... ok.. next to fearing a panic attack hehe. But I went to see this mental health person today to make an appot to talk to a psychiatrist and to get help from these people and I told him that that's a worry of mine. Will I ever get better? Am I gonna be like this forever? What is it gonna take to stop this. I was absolutely convinced I'd be done with panic after a year... but here I am... looking for different options to get better.
But then again... I just took the meds and sat there... I never tried therapy with an actual therapist. So I think I'm on the right track now.
I don't think fearing your meds should change the effectiveness of them. Sometimes I freak out and think my ativan won't work (ativan is like klonopin) and then BAM it kicks in.. and then I'm like "oh yeah, it does work"
So you're not crazy for asking all these questions! Even now I ask myself these questions repeatedly.
My post on this message board is uber long LOL
*HUGGGGGGGGS* Welcome to healing well and glad to have met you.