I am nervous about
tomorrow. I got to the Ortho. I took my last Lyrica a couple hours ago... He is supposed to say whether I have Fibro or not for "certain"...he already said I most likely had it, but he wants to make sure before he 'officially' writes it down I guess. But, the Lyrica seems to be helping... he said if it didnt he was sending me to the next state to a doctor who is somehow related to him, but he said he was the best doctor anywhere around here and that he was the smartest man he knew. He also said if anyone could figure me out it would be him...
I am hoping I figured myself out! I told him it was Fibro. and then he decided to treat me and it seems to be helping. But, maybe he can send me to a pain doctor or something. I dont think he is going to be the one to watch me, so to speak. And maybe I can get something to help me sleep when I am not able to....maybe I can talk to someone about my depression and a/p....
I am just very nervous...all the possiblities...this year is going to be better and I am going to get everything out in the open so I dont feel so alone and trapped!
So, I better go, I need alot of sleep....just needed to vent, Thanks.