Hey Cowboy
I never read a thing about Big Sis' B-Day on the 13th...........I would never make a big deal out of her day.............me, Never???
I don't care what they say about ya Cowboy, you know how to keep a secret.
Perhaps we could invite Ronald Mc Donald to her party on the 13th.
Wen you never saw this either did ya?
She is not getting older only better...........like the rest of us. Heck she is just a babe in the woods............
Now Big Sis you will not be gettin even, you will be gettin a lot of sundes thow. We will get your weight up so if you get sick again you have some leeway.
Luvs ya all..........cowboy watch your fingers and your head........stay ahead of the bear. LOL
Lil Sis Out