What I m wanting to know is if anyone else has experienced flashbacks during the day.
I still get these, but only rarely. I had one this morning after being up for about
10 minutes, but I ve also had them in the middle of the day.
For no reason for just 2-3 seconds I will start to recall some element of what I am sure I can only have dreamed or hallucinated.
I am awake and aware of what is happening, but the vague familiar images in my mind (which I can never remember afterwards) are accompanied by dizziness, nausea and FEAR.
Experience is mostly confusing and disturbing..
Also I suffered from anxiety, panic attacs and sleep paralyses for years...
Sometimes i wake up with fear after 45 minutes of sleep, but with no memory of bad drem/terros...
These flashbacks happening only when I awake in interactions whit s some elements during daytime. Are these brief "Dream flashbacks" from hypnagogic hallutinations or maybe from night terrors??? This is very disturbing... Should I be worried??? This happening for 5 years on and off... Thank you and have a nice day