Alright SO I went to see a NEW O.B. doctor because the other one I just couldn't talk to...
this one I told about my panic attacks and doesn't seem to get what panic disorder is...
she began babbling about switching me to Prozac or Zoloft...
I don't need anyone messing with my medication! And I told her my psychiatrist prescribed me my ativan again and she treated me like I was a complete idiot... she said "well I'll get you some information printed online about Lexapro and Ativan"
I think I know enough about them... I've been taking them for quite a while.
Can anyone find me an O.B. doc that will stop trying to mess with my medication?!
I'm SO frustrated.
No other doctors even talked about switching my Lexapro and I didn't have any complaints so I don't get why she was trying to switch it on me. She was babbling about longer half-lives of Prozac and Zoloft and that you can stop them without going withdrawel (which is BOLOGNA cuz I took zoloft a long while ago and stopped it with withdrawel)
Oh by the way... I had an ultrasound and the doc said "dont quote her on it" but she's pretty sure its a girl... but I have my hour long ultrasound on March 3rd which will give me a definate yes to it being a girl.