My anxiety has creeped up so bad even though I've been taking the clonazepan and had the zyprexa increased. I don't think the anti d's working but the problem being we are meant to go away to Queensland on Saturday. I've been in tears all day today sick to my stomach feeling like screaming, like I'm losing my mind.
How can I disappoint the kids and not go, yet how can I go when all my being is screaming NO don't go. I've tried to reach my pdoc but his receptionist said he won't return calls till Friday even emergencies. I don't know who else to talk too, the usual doctors really don't have the experience to deal with this and even tell me so.
I only added in the extra 1mg of clonazepam last night but have been on 1mg in the mornings for a few weeks.
I'm going to try to talk to my case worker tommorrow see if she can get me seen by someone but I won't hold my breath, she really shouldn't be in the job any longer she has no compassion for people.
Has anyone got any ideas, even meds that will zonk me out but make me at least be able to go I'm currently on 200mgs zoloft 10mgs zyprexa 2mgs clonazepam and valium 5mgs but have plenty if needed.