Meg, bushfires, roos, outback steak house, I think I know where you are, giggle.
You may have the melting, dirty, muddy snow, it is all yours baby!
AK, you staying out of the ER or do you own stock in that company?
My hubby went up north for the day but not "North to Alaska", just to Wisconsin.
Lyn, you know my heart is with you and I am hoping you are out of the snowstorm season now and spring is on it's way.
I saw a guy in a green kilt, Irish or Scottish?
Sue, my doggie is still busy terrorizing the pheasants in the back yeard. They ignore her as she is fenced in.
Our trip last week-end was fun and the weather in Nevada was in the 70's.
Yee haaaa, I am going to get me a 4 leaf clover and head out shopping today.
Luvs ya
Kitt/Lil Sis