My way of having to explain my a/p is alot easier than others I must say
When I am in full throttle of the a/p and crohns I break out into HUGE sores down to the bone ........anxiety /stess and trauma to the body does this
It is called Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Another thing I do is tell ppl I am not them ( those that dont have this DD) and I cannot "just not worry or let things go"
MY mind WILL NOT let me .......
Unlike them I do worry and do stress about
everything and anything ya know ...........
IMHO no matter what you tell ple they "Just dont get it \
The heart palps I use that "Chicken hawk cartoon with the HEART big as can be POUNDING outta of his chest over a female chicken "
I am not sure if you know the one I mean lol it is many yrs old ........
GREAT thread Badfish..........Luvs......LYN
** UNless you do have this DD it is very hard to explain it to ppl I believe .......
You do a good attempt at explaining it IMHO.......Luvs........LYN