Morning all
I sure hope all are having a good day and the weather is behaving for ya all
ANYWAYS the reason for this thread is to let ppl know that are reading and planning on becoming members OR are members and may have forgotten ..........That
You had to check off that you were fully aware and would abide by the Rules and Guidelines of Healing Well
PLease do familiarize self with them they are located on side in YELLOW and in the application for Membership...........
I am just gently reminding all about this and I know that we dont have a big problem wih rule breakers here on the a/p site so for that we are thankful for sure........
NOT pointing any fingers or suggessting anyone has done anything wrong ......JUST asking that you do know the rules as you put when you became a member
They are very easy to look up if you go to the side and go to Rules.........
Just for reminding self...
I have had to do this myself as there are a few and of course they are not going to be all memorized
Thanks for being the GREAT group of PPL you are that make up the A/P " Family" and make it a pleasure to moderate this forum
Also check for Threads on questions you may want to ask in back pages of the forum
Introduce yourselves in the New thread Called ........HI I am ......and Suffer With
Thanks for your co operation and understanding
Any questions or comments can go right here in this thread and they will be answered......
Dave ( freezing)