Hi this is Kitt and yes many people have health anxiety.
In the A & P Forum we usually refer to the newer term, Health Anxiety so this disorder does fall under the A & P Heading.
People with health anxiety are overwhelmingly convinced that even innocuous physical symptoms are an indication that they have a serious disease or illness. They aren't reassured by doctors or medical tests showing that they're in good health. Instead, they may turn to doctor after doctor and demand test after test in search of a diagnosis.
Although people with health anxiety have often been the butt of jokes and ridicule, this severe form of health anxiety is nothing to laugh about. Health Anxiety is a serious mental disorder that can sometimes consume the lives of those it affects, even becoming disabling.
I would like to suggest you discuss your concerns with your physician as you may not have health anxiety per se but I am not a professional. You do not talk of going to the physicians or having a lot of other physical complaints. Worrying seems to be your major problem. You are in my class...............try to stay in the moment and let go of the worries. See you PCP and let he/she advise you.
I am glad you posted here and please browse the forums and you will find others with the same concerns and fears as you have.
Hugs to you