I have some questions about anxiety.
The older I have gotten, I am more...high strung, I guess. I have kind of irrational fears that aren't constant. I was a TOTAL water bug growing up, and now it's almost impossible for me to get into a lake without a float. I am a VERY strong swimmer. My chest gets tight and I get all tense. Other times I am terrified of our basement (for no verifiable reason).
I'm not getting cold sweats or palpitations, but it's REALLY starting to get annoying. I feel tense a large amount of the day. I have a very short fuse sometimes as well. I'm on 30mg of Adderall daily as well, but I've been on it for years.
This seems to be getting worse as I get older. Again...it doesn't fit all of the characteristics of anxiety...it just makes me tense and short-fused. I know you can't diagnose, but does this sound like anxiety? Being on Adderall, I REALLY don't want to go into the doctor asking for anti-anxiety meds...I don't want her to think I'm a druggie.
Thank you!