thirstyforchrist said...
Honey I have had to quit three jobs due to my anxiety. My husband never understands and that is so hard. I know how you feel. We are financialy strained so right now I am working two part time jobs to help out. It is so hard. And I know about the kids birthdays too. I sometimes think that my husband and in-laws think that my son is Their son and not mine. They seem to think they should have all the say in it and I should have none, I guess because I'm unstable. I will keep you in my prayers and I hope things get better for you. Do you have insurance on your home? I think most companies cover lightning damage and they should replace everything you lost.
If you need to quit your job, then do it. If it causes you too much stress then you will never be happy, nor will anyone else, so you do what you need to do.
Love to you, Rachel
We're got a $500 deductible and so far it looks like we may be around $700-$800 in damages. Things are slowly being garage
opens now!! We wont have TV until sometime next week. I think my kids are going to have panic attacks over this
I've taken them to the library and we've picked up some board games. I've also tried to get them to help me make dinner so they can learn something useful and not veg in front of the TV.
My husband and I had a long talk last night. We are looking over our finances, savings and trying to come up with a reasonable date for me to quit. I dont think they will let me go part time here, at least not in this position. I dont have a passion for this career anyway, but have stayed in it about 18yrs cause I'm good at it and the pay is good. My passion is wellness/fitness and helping teens/women with body image issues. I'm hoping some doors will open in that area soon. I've put some feelers out so we'll see.
I've decided to let the in-laws thing go...trying to pick my battles. It's hard when there are big familes on both sides that live a good distance away. I guess he'll be having 2 parties for the next few years until he's old enough to make the guest list...lucky him