I am BACK....
I spoke with Lil sis yesterday I called her cell phone again accidently lol
Dumb I am that will never change...........
I am literally teary eyed reading all off these wonderful and supportive....loving posts
Thanks so much everyone........
EACH of you hold a special spot in this heart for sure and I have missed you all so much this last LONGGGGGGGG while.........
Kitt..........my Lil sis ........
You are so special to me and so many others
YOU helped me thru a long DARK and sometimes very scary time in my life ( u know what I am talking about ) and you did all this with the problems and hurdles you are facing and have been.I feel a bit selfish knowing I have kept at you for strength and guidance and I hope I have not tired you out to much..
I heard the weariness and the fatigue in your voice yesterday I truly did and I wish I could be there with you in person but I am always with you in Spirit
THANK YOU For BEING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......Love Big sis
To all the rest of my wonderful family please do bring me up to date on whats going on and how you are doing.............ALL OF YOU
I have never been away from HW for this long since I joined.....not even when Mom passed
I know you were all in the bestest hands with Kitt and sweet Megs as well as Peacesoul............and my Cowboy .......LOL
Never will I be gone that long again as long as it is within my power you are all to precious to me
THank you all so much
My luv is strong .............