Anxiety can cause just about any sx. Here are a few that may cover your situation.
Anxiety symptoms are described as:
Being like a hypochondriac, muscle twinges, worry all the time, tingles, gagging, tightness in the chest, tongue twitches, shaky, breath lump, heart beat problems, head tingles, itchy tingling in arms and legs, and so many more.
Neck, back, shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness
Shooting pains, stabbing pains, and odd pressures in the neck, head, or face
Shooting pains in the face
Chest pains or chest tightness
Abdominal pain
This list is not all inclusive
I hope that helps you but please do see another physician if you feel there is something medically wrong going on with you. I am not a professional.
We are all here to help you.