My name is jennifer. I have been reading many posts regarding physical associations related to anxiety.Iam a psychotherapist and have experienced symptoms that were related as well. It seems as if many doctors are quick to assume such Symptoms to be psychosomatic. For two years I suffered from symptoms including dizzy episodes,lightheadedness, twitches, digestive problems, chest tightness, irritability, and fogginess. I was tested for various diseases which came back negative. My pcp concluded to me that it was anxiety. I was furious as I work with ppl dealing with anxiety on a daily basis. I continued to pressur my doctor to refer me to a neurologist.I finally was reffered,and an eeg was performed. They discovered I was experiencing complex partial seizures and I was diagnosed with epilepsy. I am now on meds but still having symtoms of dizziness, tachycardia,sweating,and foggy feelings. The neuro is doing further testing to determine nerve damage related to the autonomic system. Since my experience I have advocated that my patients I see in my clinic have all medical conditions be ruled out prior to diagnosing a mental illness.since that time I have seen patients who were origionally diagnosed with anxiety and bipolar do, later discover underlying medical conditions such as pituitary tumor, epilepsy, and adrenaline do. So please advocate for yourself. Questions
Post Edited By Moderator (nervymeg) : 9/18/2008 8:01:05 AM (GMT-6)