Hi P-Fit, nice to meet you!
I began having the most intense, severe chest pain in 2001, episodes that would last hours. As i have had Panic Disorder since 14, i knew it wasnt linked, but was really thrown and confused by it- ive had multiple surgeries for multiple reasons but i had never experienced pain like this.
Eventually, a year later, the chest pain was so bad that i was taken from my college dorm by ambulance to a nearby ER where after a big dose of morphine, they kept scratching their heads. I ended up seeing my hometown GP who immediately recognised my pain not as heart problems, but as gallstones. after tests and scans, i didnt just have gall stones, my actual gall bladder had rotted. no doctor had considered gallstones as they considered me "too young". i was 21. had the surgery at 22. what a relief.
now, i have stones in my bile duct, and that creates a similar pain in the chest- sometimes it feels like it will never end.
Sympathy, peace & blessings,
Maz XX