Thanks y'all for the quick, warm welcomes. LOL-I've only been back in SC a little over 2 weeks, and my accent is as strong as ever-hence the "y'alls." Anyway, to answer some of your questions, I am trying to get a therapist. I went to the mental health department last week (because I have depression and I need a way to help pay for my meds), and they are supposed to assign me a counselor. BTW-I am very pro-therapy. If you know me from the fibro board, you know that I am quite the talker. But, yes, I would love to talk to someone who will hear me. I've been dismissed by so many doctors or written off as crazy. It took years to finally find a doctor who would hear me-and he helped me find out that I have fibro (along with anxiety). I am also in Lupus limbo, too.
As far as my parents go, it's a little bit of a weird situation. My mom has been an RN for over 40 years, and has worked in Hospice and Palliative care, so she understands pain in her patients. However, she either doesn't believe that I am in terrible pain on a daily basis, or she's in denial that her "baby" is sick. For those of you who are familiar with fibro, sometimes you fall into that, "but you don't look sick," category. My dad is a very non emotional guy. He doesn't understand anything about what I'm going through. So, he doesn't say anything, but he gives me those "looks." I have tried to talk to my parents on numerous occasions about what I am going through, but they just don't get it, don't hear me, don't believe me, or are denying the truth. BTW-I am better at writing things down, and I've written them several letters, but so far, it hasn't helped. And, you can imagine what all of this does for my anxiety!
Anyway, this is very frustrating. Like I said, it is humiliating living with your parents when you are an adult. I fought against moving home for so long, I drained all of my 401K and my IRA to stay in CA. So, now I have no future to live off of. I really try to stay out of everyone's way, but I pitch in with the laundry, dishes, and I even cook sometimes. It's hard on my fibro, but I don't want to feel like I'm leeching off of them.
Oh well, what can you do? Thanks again for listening.