Dear healing_pressure,Hello, I am Kitt. I am glad you have found the HealingWell Site.
The members we deal with re HIV scares are the ones that have anxiety re their tests and the fear they go through during this difficult time. We are all glad to support your anxiety and we are all good at it. The A & P forum is one big family and we love having new members.
There is something comforting about
baring your soul to the members of A & P and still being able to be anonymous.
If you are looking for specific info on HIV and testing, the HIV forum is the one you want to start with. I am posting a link for you.......... click on it and you will go right to the HIV answer site on HW.
I am sure Lyn will see your post and respond when she is online today.
Know we care and you are not judged here, only offered support and caring.
Keep talking to us. (((((((HUGS)))))