Thanks for your responses most of you are right I should find the courage to talk to my family
Im sure if I could heal the problems within my family I would heal myself. Today I had a great day and I feel alot more relaxed, Yesterday gave me a scare but it was good because it made do some much needed thinking. It made me realise I need to wake up to myself I realise I am no longer a child, I am an adult with responsibilities, and I really do not need to put on an attention seeking act when I find things get a little difficult or am in pain. I figure, I have worked really hard over the last ten years to get ahead in life I finally have found an occupation I love and Im not going to let bad behaviour spoil all that...Particularly when I have the ability to correct my own behaviour.
I also thank alot of you as I have worked out from reading some of your illnesses that I have nothing to complain about with my dystonia , At least I have good days when Im not in pain or have tremors and I can make the most of those good days.
Ps St John wart also helps a great deal it is a natural sedative.
Love Poppy...