i can spell- i apologise in advance for any typos- ive had to take some serious presc pain killers and im a bit 'wobbly'.
im meant to be enjoying my school holidays but i cant relax, its just one thing after the other. I dont normally post every time i feel unwell, cos if i did, id never get off here, lol
but i have spent the better part of today rupturing an Ovarian Cyst which is more painful than i have words for. I have had 3 lots of surgery on my ovaries, and still the cysts come back and then they internally tear open and like i said, i have no words. the Polycsytic surgery is somehat akin to being butchered with a huge blunt knife. niiiiiiice.
Im hopped up on pain pills now, so im hoping this makes sense cos im feeling warm and fuzzy in the head, but sadly my guts are spasming and cramping and tearing, its like a hot ice pick repeatedly jabbed into the same spot on lower abdomen.
and yes im having a pity party.
i went to the dr on saturday, only to have my blood tests come back positive for Glandular Fever AGAIN, i mean jeez, its summer here and i have swollen glands, extreme flu symptoms- i cannot win. my BP was 89/59. not great. have no energy.
i have to go back to the dr tomorrow to get a hormone balancing injection for the cysts- im 28, not a menopausal lady! oh and my latest Cat Scan and MRI showed that even after extensive sinus surgery last year, my sinuses are basically rotting in my head and my ears are taking the brunt of that.
its unfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair.
my fibro is flaring, my lower abdomen is being wrenched, i cant sleep cos of my pain, my glands are so swollen i look like i got the mumps- the only thing that is healthy and thriving is my pity and self loathing. lovely.
with my friends im always strong for them. ive had alot more 'life experience' than many of them, and they come to me for advice and support and strength and this is great, but who is going to be strong for me?
ok ok my rant and ramble is over. im going to get a heat pack for my tummy and read until i fall asleep (fingers crossed)
love to all.
Maz XX