well Puss Puss ya made it ..........Congrats
any questions email myself or Kitt and we can help ya out IF ya need it ............lol..sis
Bro..........NOW how bout that eh .........just in time for a whole new year........
glad to have you aboard as well ........sis
Nanners............I would say ITS ABOOT TIME EH you are truly an asset to all the forums you visit and
I know this will be same here as a moderator
I have a question for you ??Could you email me its about helping me out on Alzheimers forum occasionally if possible
WE HAVE a fantastic team of mods and members here and I know this will help the forum get it's life back ya know...........
WE all have different yet simuliar experiences with anxiety and other DD and so in turn we can help or try to support all that come here as best we can with what WE believe works......
Make sure you read rules and catch them spammers lol.........look like a bottom feeder lol
I slay me eh .....ya right
I am back and doing fantabulous I am .........
There will be a mod /member thread for when mods are going to be away or for ?? members have of mods plz check daily ,,,,,,
this way we have it right here in our own forum and can ask others ....or get input from others .........Sound GOOD???
**KNoW your a/p Mods ............
Lyn ( Cappy ,Big sis, s.i.s. n sis )
Kitt ( Llil sis ,Carpet pilot,granny pantie wearer too ...edumacational too )
Frezzing ( Cowboy, Clumbsy.....wears tights lol)
Percycat ( Puss Puss ....Cat snaffler.........
Sam....( BRO) we will think of more lol
Nanners ( sweet,loving...tells ya like it is ..........
YES this will be a fantabulous 2009 for us all ...........members and moderators
Congrats to all and so happy to have ya aboard with us .............
Members and your other other mods lol