I havent posted much or told anything about
myself ,i have suffered with anxiety and panic for a long time ,i have been on xanax for a long time ,but i and my dr thinks its stopped working for me now ,Iasked my dr to let metry valium , i am on 0.5 but cut it in two half in morning and half at night, he is trying me on 2mg of valium twice a day ,he said to cut in two if i wished ,i forgot to ask him about
the difference in the dosage ,has anybody tried both of these. Ihave also been on synthroid for 2 months i have felt more nervous on it and shaky,had blood work done yesterday,butdr told me to stop taking it for now, has anybody been on synthroid and had side affects,i know a lot of people who take it but it works for them , i must say my body does not tolerate some meds including antidepressants.woul appreciate some feedback, thanks