The person I admire the most is my mother.! She adopted four children from an orphanage when she couldn't have her own.... endured extreme poverty as a child , and the ridicule and chastiment that goes with it. She endured years and years of abuse at the hands of my alcoholic violent father....she finally got pregnant at the age of 44 only to lose her baby boy because of the abuse she endured at the hands of her husband.... she went through a long labor and almost died, only to deliver a still born son.
BUT.... she never, ever lost her faith... her sense of humor ... her sense of adventure and fun... her curiosity for the world around her ... she read passionately ... always talked to people and helped everyone who came to her for assistance. She was the first woman to work in an all male paper mill (and suffered the outrage, discrimination, berating, sexist comments) but never lost sight of her goal... she in the end... earned the respect of everyone she worked with.
She has been my strength, my example, my GIFT! I inherited( by example) her stubborness to not let circumstances destroy who you are, take away your faith in God and in the goodness of people...
I think what I have treasured most about her is her unbeatable, unwavering sense of finding good in every situation... finding the sacred in every circumstance.... and being able to find the humor in all of it.
I have been truly BLESSED! I think God in all his infinite wisdom, knew that I would need all of these qualities to survive my own journey.... and I thank HIM for sending me such an angel.
The secon person I admire the most is my sister... who has inherited the same qualities and who has always been at my side reminding me , encouraging me and holding me up when I couldn't stand alone anymore.
Without either one of those amazing women ... I wouldn't be the person I am today!