mom2three said...
It is so frustrating. I'm very sensitive to medications. I always seem to need less than the required dosage and have always had side effects. Many of my side effects are similar to those that you have listed.
I don't take Xanax, but I do take Klonopin (clonazepam). I need little to have an effect - anywhere from .125 to .25 usually works for me. I currently take .25 (or .125 on a particularly good day) at 2pm every day. I notice few, if any, negative side effects at that dosage. Perhaps you should talk to your doctor about lowering your dosage amount?
Same goes for SSRI's - I take half of what is the normal therapeutic dosage. I currently take 5mg Lexapro per day - I was having strong side effects at 10mg, so went down to half of that. I still notice the benefits (I think, not sure), but don't have the side effects. Also, each drug interacts with your system differently - I have been on several over the years and I tolerate some better than others.
More importantly, I have incorporated lots of alternative techniques - CBT, breathing, relaxation, etc. These are helping immensely! I see a therapist to get me started and then work on my own at home. It does take a lot of effort, but it's paying off. My therapist and I are even talking about weaning off of Lexapro soon if I continue to do well. And then maybe moving the klonopin to an "as needed" basis.
So I guess my suggestion would be to talk to your doc about lowering your dosage or changing medications...while at the same time looking into some other anxiety management techniques that don't involve medications at all.
It's a tough road, I know! But we're here for you :)
Panic Attacks (since age 10) & General Anxiety with a little OCD thrown in there
Biggest Challenge - Panic; Biggest Joy - my 3 cute kiddos (ages 1, 2 & 5)
Just inserting mom2three's post from the accidental duplicate of this thread.