Hi guys, I am tapering off a little faster then what dr. wants but I have too and she was out of the office today till Tues. Here's the scoop I am on Zoloft for depression. It works great. Had to get on Clonzepam 5 weeks ago. I was taking .5 two times a day. It worked great at first and still does for anxiety but the problem is it is making my stomach horrible. I have IBS so it's giving me really bad stomach aches, diarrea, horrible pain. Dr. wanted me to do 1/2 a tab for two weeks which means this would take me 8 weeks to just wean off of that little dose. By breaking up 2 pills in 1/2 for 2 weeks. Pharmacist didn't think I needed to do it that way since I am on such a low dose. I took only one today and one yesterday. My stomach was a mess. I think I am going to take none tomorrow and see how it goes and pharmacist said break a pill in 1/2 if I need too. Did anyone take this low of a dose for this short of time and not have any probs. My dr. called it situational anxiety. I had my baby at 29 weeks emerg c-section, he was in NICU for 6 weeks and is now home. That's what caused the anxiety. I have some visitral pharmacist said to take if needed. Any advice is appreciated. :) I am thinking if it becomes a problem I will break a pill in 1/2 and wean that way.