Hi members,
Im a 38 yr old female and started getting anxiety at work (teacher) in January. These attacks wrecked my stomach because I was getting so nervous. I was having nausea in the morning,dry heaves and eating very little. Anyway...the doc put me on protonix and Librax (anti spasmatic and anti anxiety). I felt better but exhausted and every 2 weeks....the pain in the stomach would come back. Now the update is after trying 4 different meds for my stomach that it's the anxiety thats not letting my stomach heal because Im constantly obsessing about it. I started Celexa yesterday and was/is scared to death to take it. I did take it in the morning and got more anxiety after taking it. Help~
Anyone out there taking this med? If so, when will I feel better? Last night I was wide awake until 4am and woke up at 6am....horrible.