Although I have not been diagnosed...........Im a smart, educated dude. Not a hypochondriac either.
Let me be clear....I do not have generalized anxiety disorder. In fact, I have a VERY SPECIFIC singular anxiety trigger. Lately it has been bad again......
Manifestations include near-hyperventilation, nervous system reactions(semi-involuntary muscle clenching...teeth, fists, pounding things, stomping, flailing, like my skeleton wants to jump out of my skin) immediate sense of doom and life's futility.......
A couple weeks ago, it hit me while I was driving.....almost STOOD UP in the truck while driving due to muscle clenching. My wife gave me clonazapam when we got home...and that zombied me out pretty good.
Its been an off/on prob for 20 years, but lately its been at its worst.
I hesitate to ask a Dr. for Xanax b/c I know what it does to me, and I dont want the side-effects. Also, I dont want to take daily maintenance I dont have generalized anxiety. I just need a temp fix for when I have the attacks. And I dont want to take anything that puts me down. I dont want to go to sleep every time I have an attack....I just want something to help me get through the attack without becoming a zombie.
Note: Breathing excercises aint gonna do it..............................
General Colon Bowel