I have suffered from a panic disorder for 20 years, from the first attack I then expierienced depression. After years on med's, I found one that worked great it changed my life. After going on 10 mg a day on paxil I felt normal, most people wouldn't know what that really means, but some of you may. It can be a minute to minute struggle through life and when you finally feel good, life again is good. The problem associated with paxil was sexual disfunction, not something a man wants to encounter. I weighed the options and felt I must stay on paxil, as other med's just didnt do it. After about three years I felt I had to try something else so my Doc put me on clonazepam, well after about 10 days the sexual side affects were gone. I felt really good about that, but I now have bouts of depression, to many dark thoughts on a regular basis. So I am thinking about taking the paxil with it, start with 5 mg. What do you think? Am I at any risk? I also read that taking clonazepam for a period greater than 3 months can cause liver problems, is that true?
Thank you so much.