Not really, I have 101 fever, don't really feel that bad, but usually I would go in anyway and come home and crash! today I decided that I should put me first, take care of me, therefore reducing my anxiety and I will not allow myself to feel guilty over my decision. I am one of those that pushes myself into exhaustion and then everything is worse. Not today, I am slowing down and taking a different path. A week or so ago, my Dr. upped my med, a little too fast I think, did not feel well for a few days, so I backed down and was going to ween myself off and I stopped to think that this is always what I do, then I get into real trouble! So I am inching my way up to the dose Dr. wants me on and I am feeling better already. I must be the most med sensitive person on earth. Oh well, do have a new PDoc appt on the 30th, think I can hold on, really I just want to make sure I am on the right path.
Under the covers I go with my best dog friend by my side. The working world can spin on one day without me!