I had a bit of anxiety this morning when I first woke up, then after that I was perfectly fine until about
an hour ago. I just started to let my thoughts get a hold of me. I have extrememly obsessive thoughts and have trouble letting go of them. I also have trouble of letting the feeling of depersonalization go because it was so scary and Ive experienced it quite a few times now. Its like sometimes Ill almost forget that I even have any anxiety or worries, then they hit me. I get really unfocused and my vision blurs and time seems to pass more slowly and noises become louder and more of an annoyance. I started to get really down and my boyfriend took care of me. He massaged me and just tried to help me relax. Then i couldnt help but cry because even though he says its not "putting up with me" i feel as if it is, and I cant help but worry that Ill never get over this and this is how Im going to have to live forever and I just dont want that. I dont want to have to just cope with it and get used to it. I want it to end and I know it has to be possible if I can get over it for a few hours or a few days at a time. I just need reassurance that it is possible to defeat anxiety and depersonalization. I feel sort of stuck in a rut, and i feel like its affecting my relationships. I need to be the old Paige that I was just a little over a month ago before all of this began happening. And I would prefer it to happen naturally. Please anyone help if you can!