have had a tension headache now for a day or so. work isn't helping - ha! but i took 2 fiorcet today and 4 advil - but didn't take the fiorcet together which seems to not work so well. 3 hours apart cause i thought one would do the trick. always takes 2. but didn't want to since i took the advil first.
anyway, does anyone know of a good fast remedy that really works? put heat on my neck lst night but did nothing. i'll try ice tonight. it came on from a panick attack yesterday. i also had a crying spell trying to get my emotions and cryg always causes a bad headache with me. ugh! it is always behind my ears on those bones and goes around my neck and today it's on top of my head too. i know it's from stress and tensing up during panick attack. i probably should have just taken a xanax today to help relieve the tension. anyway, any good remedies????