Hi everyone- Again, wishing everyone here a happy, blessed & healthy holiday & new year.
Yesterday I gave myself a Christmas present! After hearing suggestions from a few friends & from a couple of my HW friends (you know who you are... )- I decided to start meditating again.
All of these hypochondrial worries & anxieties were not very good for me....& for those around me (my poor wife, bless her soul, is so used to it & puts up with it--btw--she was one of the many who suggested I re-start my meditation)
I had learned the TM meditation technique www.tm.org way back in the late 1970s...while teaching high school, & was totally .."stressed out"---& I took this techniwue up...! (I should add, there are many types of meditation techniques besides this..."Minfdfullness meditation"..."Buddhist meditation"- Or....you can just close your eyes peacefully & sit with your back straight (in a chair or in bed).....& GENTLY.......repeat any word you choose...over & over slowly for 20 minutes! It could be a word like..."love"..."peace"..."relax"..."let go"....."God bless me"--- This is your .."mantra"-! We are basically..."spiritualizing"...our thoughts! We are going...deep within ourselves....where there is peace & harmony!----OK...back to our simple meditation technique------If & when any
thoughts intrude..(and they will)--like ..."What should I make for dinner tonite?" Or..."I gotta call my mother later." Or.,...more insidious thoughts...like..."I hope I do not have this disease...or whatever"...or..."I feel so sad for that woman up the street". -SIMPLY..."let it go"....AND......quietly go back to your mantra word!
Do this...20 mins..(if you can't...at least 15 mins)---MORNING.....upon awakening...& before dinner..(say 4 PM..or 5 PM)----
You will see....after a week or two----your stress slowly..."melting away"...Like the snow..in Springtime!
You will go deep within yourself..& you will see...that...YOU....are..NOT your..."thoughts"-!
These nasty little ..."demons". .that intrude,....into our lives...are "mental toxins"...that we must remove! Just as we would not eat....spoiled or rotten food...but...throw them out----So....we should do the same to..."toxic thoughts"...Whether it be worry about our health...or about our friend......or just everyday...anxiety! Let it go-! You will be surprised at how much better you feel-!
I began yesterday morning...& did it again....before dinner...& again this morning----! Already..I'm feeling better! We here in this "Anxiety-Panic disorders"....forum....all suffer from the same thing....it's called..."Stinkin Thinkin' " ---& it causes us...worry,,grief...anxiety..panic..etc!
BUT---the GOOD news is....we have CONTROL over our thoughts! We can "Let in".....the good thoughts ...and ...toss out...the bad ones! So...In the end...we control our thoughts..& therefore control....how we feel! It's YOUR choice! I made this choice because I was getting tired & disgusted (this was happening gradually..not over night)--- of me worrying.....& getting anxious & panicked............that I had every disease in the book---even tho I was assured by the best specialists that I was OK! Then I thought...."WHY am I torturing myself?"
So.,.....I decided to take action...& do something ..."positive"...for my Christmas gift!
It works for me..it has worked for millions of others...and it WILL work for you--if you give it an ..."honest try"-! DO IT---! Do it for your happiness & peace of mind..& those around you--! But...you must keep at it-----just 20 minutes each day...twice daily--! Surely....your peace of mind is worh that easy price!
Feel free to PM me...with any questions!
Again...try it--let us here at HW know how you are doing----& thank you...those that suggested I get back to meditation or yoga---I am sincerely thankful & grateful to you---!
You all--have been here for me......I hope I can give something back-! I hope I hear a ..."success story"...or two-----blessings--Robert