Hi everybody...
I'm usually over on the Chronic Pain board... but my anxiety has been flaring up, and I've been doing some reading here so thought I'd post. You all seem like a really support group, too
I guess the thing that I'm trying to figure out the most is how to deal w/ my anxiety issues from a non-medicine perspective. I have a standing prescript
ion for Ativan (and have used many other things in the past - including xanax, etc). The problem is that the Ativan mixes w/ some of other meds I'm on... and produces some pretty awful... and scary side effects. Most of all is memory loss. I'll go for several days taking it, and have no clue what I've done for the past two, three, four days. Not a way to function when you have children, especially. So, I made the commitment (earlier in the year) to only use the Ativan when I'm hospitalized (which...with all my health issues...has been pretty frequently lately). Using the Ativan in the hospital at least keeps me there, and in bed, without feeling like I'm crawling the walls OR crying constantly, missing the kids.
So, I guess that's where I'm at - trying to deal w/ managing these feelings of anxiety w/out medication. It would be so much easier to just take a pill and for it go away. But, again, that brings up all of the issues I've previously mentioned.
My husband is a pretty good support system, as well as my family... but he doesn't deal w/ anxiety and doesn't understand how bad it can get at times. My "depression" is pretty under control w/ Effexor and stuff. But these anxiety attacks throughout the day are really getting to me...
So, that's my vent for the day! Not really sure what I'm asking... or needing, even... just wanted to say hi to people who I hope understand.
Thanks for reading... --Tina