---I am so fed up-!
Saw my wonderful new neurologist-this week (re: my myoclonus)--Assured me I was OK--& told me nothing to worry about
! (I've had every neuro test you can think of---they were all negative--(Brain..MRI--EEG---EMG...& today MRI of cervical spine---normal...no "nerve compression)-
Anyway--My neuro saw I was very anxious AND depressed....& as I wrote in another post....he prescibed.....Lexipro...(10 mg/day)---
People....I hate SSRI's-! For ME.......with a 'pre existing'...irregular heartbeat......they ALWAYS.....precipitate.....irregular beats! I HAD been doing fine,....last 3 months....very few irregular beats-----Took,,,......ONE DOSE.....Tues......and...later that day.....had...some scary irregular beats...& today.. ..while walking out of my MRI,......got some more!
I have STOPPED taking them-! I had tried...Zoloft...4 yrs ago---& after one week...TERRIBLE...'bout' of irregular beats! Today.....Talked w pharmacy friend...who is chief pharmacist....at the hospital...the Drs....are at....& who fills my prescriptions! As MUCH as drug companies say,...there "are no,.....or very few cardiac side effevts"...--I AM...one of those few! I have Mitral Valve Prolapse...& am being treated for my irregular beats...(Tenormin)----SO---as my Pharma friend said..."Maybe 99 out of 100 peoplw would NOT be bothyered...but..I am "THE ONE"...in a hundred...who is!
I take Valium.....regularly...which helps.....BUT......The Dr. wanted an..."adjunct"...to help! My Primary care Dr---had suggested..."Buspar"...But my neuro felt that was NOT right for me....as frequently..."nervousness"..& "agitation....are side effects!
ANY of you have ANY suggestions....as a good.."anti anxiety"...med...(to go along w my Valium)---- That is NOT an SSRI......or worse yet...those older "anti-depressants"--!
ONLY other thing that helps me sleep----is a SIMPLE.......antihistimine....ANTIVERT! (Meclizine...generic)---i use it for my "positional Vertigo"...& MAN.....does it put me out!
I told my neuro---he asked about Benadryl---That is .."OK"...but nothing like Antivert!
Get back.....with...your suggestions! (This Spring..I'm trying.."accupuncture....when I get back from West Coast! Or MAYBE,,,,I'll look for someone out there--! I'll be there...4 weeks!
ALSO----anyone else.......taking SSRIs...get irregular heart beats? Would LUV to hear from you----Robert