me and my boyfriend have been going out for over 6 months now. we are fine together and are usually happy. i recently started going to counsiling because i have anxiety and i have jealousy and depression issues. well my boyfriend has a best friend who was a girl. and i had issues with that. he used to like her a tiny bit last year but never dated or anything like that. things got to the point inside of me where i finally told him it was him being friend with her or it was him being my boyfriend. after a couple days,,,he picked me of course...but was not happy about
it. my anxiety and fear of being lied to, (not to mention major trust issues) urged me to ask him day by day if he had talked to this girl. or if she had contacted him. finally, (after looking at my boyfriends facebook, ((its ok, he has given me his password and said i could look anytime)) i found he had messaged her. the only contents of this message were " :( " so it wasnt anything i got upset over. she messaged him something about
how they couldnt be friends anymore. and then he asked her if he could explain his story. well long story short. i HAD to ask my boyfriend why he had messaged her. we ended up in a fight for the what seems like a BILLIONth time about
her. (i dont have problems with any other girls,,,just this specific one) it resulted in me being hurt, confused, and feeling sick. i want this to stop. i want to cure my jealousy and trust issues, and problems. and i want to stop hurting my boyfriend. i love hi,m with all my heart, but its like i CANT stop myself! i have no idea why. can someone please please give me some good advice? thanks :-/