I know I've written on this topic before, but I started a new one because I felt it best. Anyway, I am worried sick about
my mom. I love her more than my own life and am afraid that something is really wrong with her. She seems fine overall, except that she's got asthma that seems chronic (she doesn't ever lose her breath so far) and so she's always easily winded and always has some congestion. And also she's lost more weight. Of course, she doesn't eat as much any more. She eats enough, but is in love with popcorn cakes (like rice cakes). She doesn't feel sick to her stomach or anything and doesn't have bowel problems...maybe I'm just really paranoid? but between the weight loss and her breathing, I worry myself to death. No need for me to beg her to go to doctor, because she won't. She really really won't!!!!! Believe me, if I could make her do so, she'd be there! Pronto! But everything I say she just "pooh-poohs" off and she isn't worried about
the weight loss. She's glad.
I guess I'm either needing some reassurance here or if not that, a place to cry out. I am trying very hard to not let my imagination run away with me. I say to myself to not worry unless I actually know there's something to worry about.
My sister worries too, but isn't around mom much. I live with mom 24/7. I always have and when I was in therapy, I was told that we have a symbiotic relationship...Daddy used to call us the "siamese twins" when he was alive. You know, if conjoined twins aren't separated, when one dies, they both die. I don't know if I could live w/o her and don't know if I'd even want to.