Hello. My name is Traceuy. I am 34 . my boyfriend and I have 4 daughters( his, mine, and ours:) ). All of my life Ih ave been a very anxious person. I started having panic attacks about
15 years ago. Mine seem to come in clips though. I will have a bad few months, and then nothing for a long time.
The experience I am having now, while it is not new, is scary none the less. # days ago, I had feeling of chest discomfort in the sternum area. This never let up for one whole day... I also had a lot of belching. i mean, I was belching every ten seconds!....I couldve sworn this has happened to me years ago, went to er and they said I had gerd.
I have never had heartburn pain like a burning feeling...only a discomfort tightnes type feeling and I cant say it has ever ben related to any certain foods.
I also experience random muscle twitches throughout my whole body.
This morning, I have a short maybe 1 second pain that comes and goes from in between my shoulder blades. nothing that would make you scream or fall to the ground, just a quick jab like if you were give n a shot. also kind of feels like a burning sensation.
I am sorry if this is sensitive to anyone who may have anxiety, I am just trying to be as descript
ive as possible.
Has anyone here had the same experiences, at all?
well, thanks for listening . even if I dont hear back from anyone, it felt good to let it out w/o judgement