Hey gang, I am a regular on the Crohn's board but also have panic attacks and social anxiety.
Have always been a nervous person and anxious socially, but first panic attack was Jan 2009. Have been on Cipralex (starting and continued dose of 10mg daily) since then. Also on Ativan as needed, but no more than twice a week.
The past few weeks I have been having more panic and anxiety, and I cannot pinpoint a "reason". My life doesn't seem more stressful. This is the most panicky I've been since I started Cipralex. Every night, I get heart palpitations, tingling in my arms, and feel like my thoat is closing up.
Went to the doc this week, and he said he was doubling my dose of Cipralex. Now, I thought I had read somewhere that 20mg was proven to be as effective, but not more effective, than 10mg. I am uncomfortable taking Ativan more than occasionally (and I think he is too as he is really tight with the scripts.. 20 sublingual 1mg's per script)
Mentioned my anxiety in passing to ds's pediatrician a couple weeks a go, and she thinks I should see a shrink to help regulate my meds... never mentioned this to PCP as I had a laundry list of things for him to do and I didn't want to take too much of his time...
But I see the ped next month with other ds. Her point is that the mom should be treated for anxiety before treating the anxious kid.. well I'm all for getting treatment, but I don;t think my anxiety is wearing off on him. He has asperger's so has always been quite anxious.. and no one around me thinks I emanate anxiety..
Could 20mg help? Has anyone been helped by the higher dosage ?? Are there more side effects? I have never had a side effect on any anti anxiety except when I first begin, for the first few weeks, I almost feel apathetic or emotionless or something. But that goes away. I thought maybe he's bump me to 15's, but maybe there are no 15's? Straight to 20's seems a bit hardcore.