Hello Everybody,
I need some help my sister is 2 months pregnant with her second child and was taking 8mgs of klonopin and is down to 1mg now and is having an extremely difficult time.
Her first pregnancy this didnt happen to this extent of panic and trama disorder for her. She's afraid she's going crazy now cause of not being on her meds full force. She cries constantly feels like shes dying and all that goes along with this and bipolar for her also.
Have any of you been pregnant and gone thru this at this extent? How did you
deal with it and were there any meds at all you could take to help durring this time? I'm afraid for her and very concerned and she would have written on here but she cant get herself to even do that now. I am writting on her behalf.
Thank you sooooooooo much for any advice or information you can us.