I got to writing this and almost couldn't stop. I pulled this from another group and thought it could work here as well.
I have found out recently that it's not good to dwell on things that happend to you in the past. It only impeads your progress for healing. We also can not worry about the little things until they are : "in the moment." in front of us. Then we can deal with them. Take laundry for instance, If you think about doing laundry all week or when to get it done you will have your anxiety back. If you just put it on a calandar for one particulare day and do it that day you won't have to worry about it.
Groceries also can be put on a calandar once or twice a week or however much you go shopping for them. That way don't worry about it. If a lightbulb burns out and you don't have another one and don't get paid until two weeks down the road, put it on the calandar. Then just use a flashlight if you have one to see with.
It's the same way with your mom, just put her on the calandar and worry about her and what she's got going on when that day comes.
Don't sweat the little things it will only drive you crazy. If you are lonely call someone up and talk with them or go out and do something.
HARA - I know sometimes my brain and logic is overruled by my emotions.
This could be a really good topic for some people.