I am so sorry to hear of your 3 year history of anxiety. Coming here and talking with the members was a very wise thing to do as the members know where your coming from and what you are going through.
In the 3 years you have been battling anxiety have you ever been to your physicians or in any kind of therapy to help with the anxiety ?
Anxiety is part of our bodies, a natural response, which alerts us to potential danger. Just like physical pain it is uncomfortable, but really necessary to guide us in life. It is OK and natural to feel anxious some of the time.
Anxiety is clinically significant when it causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. In other words, anxiety is problematic when it impacts your functioning at work or your activities of daily living. It feels to me like this is where you are at.
Breathing exercises are a wonderful way to learn how to control anxiety, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Studies have shown that anxiety sufferers tend to breath shallowly and from their chest. Learning to breathe deeply and from the belly can bring great relief and control to anxious individuals.
Here are some resources for you to explore and see if any of them appeal to you.
Relaxation thread
ZEN for Everyday Living
Free CBT Online/MoodGYM
E-couch Online, free