Hi and welcome! I am glad that you found us. I am sure that you will find this a place full of wonderful people, great information and lots of support.
Many members have the very same symptoms that you have described in your post. If you've had a chance to read through some of the archives, you'll see much that is familiar. I also have had the e.k.g. in a moment of terror because of the distresseng symptoms that anxiety and panic can cause! Try to be reassured by your clean bill of health from your doctor. Anxiety can and does cause real physical sensations, but they are only that-sensations, they aren't harmful. You will however, want to treat the A/P for your overall well being!
Therapy, if at all possible would be excellent for you. Even if it means rearranging schedules. I remember trying to juggle my work hours and dropping my youngest daughter at my mom's, then arranging for my husband to sometimes pick her up, just so I could go to my appointments, but it was worth it! I got my life back, and no longer suffer the debilitating attacks!
In the meantime, here are some url's with some excellent breathing/relaxation exercises to use during times of panic. Also, I find that using a positive mantra helps for the waking-up-in-a-panic. I repeat to myself "I'm okay, this is only my body reacting to fear" as I slowly do my breathing.
I hope that this helps. I'm sure that others will be along too, with great advice for you. Please post often-it helps! Here are those sites
Stress Relief
Healthy Place
Breathing Exercise for Panic Attacks
Relaxation Techiques
Free CBT Online/MoodGYM (Free online therapy )
Be well, and let us know how you're doing soon,
Scaredy Cat
Edit: I made links to all your url sites as well as added them to our Resources at the top so you can copy and paste them into your post.
Great links.