Hello and sorry to hear of your tough situation. It's hard to know from the info provided what the cause could be. it's very well so that it has to do with the imbalance of chemicals in the brain related to the surgery. I was curious if you maybe stopped abruptly taking any pain meds. That will certainly make you irritable. Also I dont know ur age but is menopause a factor?? I personally would not take xanax
because they act quickly, give you a sense of well being and they are highly addictive.They feel good. believe me, when I found them for my panic anxiety dis. I ate them somewhat responsible. like 2mg day. then i ran out and figured I'lll just quit. within 5 days I had a seizure and grew paranoid leading up to the seizure. I could not sleep. Later I was offered them by my Dr as I do have a valid need and have tried several other non benzo drugs. I electected to go w/ klonopin because you don't get that quick onset and a buzz. they simply allow me to do a little bit better. Definetly talk to your pcp and discuss your addiction concerns. -Good Luck