Having a down day today - even in terms of these days not be fufilling because I'm looking
for a better work/financial situation and what I am doing now is not even remotely what I
need. That being said I want to rest up, because tomorrow I need to take a margin of the
day to commit to this job (although I inherently do not like it) because I need $. The only
meds I take are xanax and just for sleep- now and then during the day - if I feel stressed.
I see a counselor who I feel confortable with who feels I have good incite about my issues
which are gad, looking for good work and interpersonal relationships. These are venting
sessions with her providing a sounding board and giving affirmation to my thoughts and
feelings. Beyond this(althouigh I do see its value) I feel this is repetative and its time for
me to move ahead and jump into the water. After todays session it feels a bit tired. I really
need to find meaningful work because idle time while making you broke makes me too
focused on myseilf and not the best person to be around. Also, the ideas the therapist
comes up with I well know myself - nothing enlightening. Maybe venting at this point is
helping stay too much on the issues instead of trying to find some solutions. Thinking of
problems leaves me stuck there. I think I need to move on and not be so hard on myself.
Any advice?