It sounds like you still have so much to deal with. I have found that I no longer have nightmares of being shot in the head but they have changed thru the years of being about
my other family members and friends who betrayed me or hurt me terribly. You just can't get over your mother wishing you were dead instead of your sibling who committed that terrible act because they were always her favorite.
I have found that doing some deep breathing exercises and just escaping into a favorite movie or tv show when I feel like I'm going to break down and sob. I tell myself how much damage it does to your body and it doesn't hurt anyone else but you. I have learned thru the years that the people who disregarded me with no problem or compassion don't deserve any more of my time hurting. Just keep telling yourself that. One day you will believe it. Maybe not right away. Things take time and repetition to make it second nature. Just say to yourself that you have compassion and they don't and you are a better person for it.
Also true friends are the ones who don't ask you all about
your tragedy. I have found that those people are just curious and string you along until they get information. My situation was very high profile in the public news, radio, and even an HBO special so I became very distrustful and started down the path of seclusion which is where I am now. Don't do what I did! Just remember that those who really like or love you don't have to know the gory details, they accept you as you are. I know its easy for me to say it than for you to do it. I think there are 2 kinds of decisions we make in life. One is what we think and one is what we feel. Or one we make with our min(rational) and the one we make with our hearts(less rational). Making the right kind of decision is what I think leads to happiness although I seem to have failed at that miserably! Just take time and assess the people you want to be friends with. And maybe you will chose well. Even just one friend is enough in life if they are a true friend. Good luck and stop crying and go watch a funniest home video show! And have a better rest of your day--- Mess of a life.