I am a 23 year old female i am a little over weight and just found out I have high blood pressure a month ago. I recently quit smoking and changed my diet and started excercising. I now believe I have very bad anxiety and panick attacks. I am thinking the reason is all the changes I made and how sudden they were. I wanna share all my syptoms and see if anyone else is going through what i am. I get chest tightness, somtimes on one side sometimes on both. I get a heavy pressure on my chest, and now just recently in my upper abdomen. I was put on blood pressure medication Atenolol i strarted getting numbness in my left arm and then left leg. mydoctor took me off the medication, so now i am on nothing..and i worry about
having high blood pressure again.I get a very sore neck like i slept on it wrong. I feel this way especially when i have been very anxious all day. I had a normal ekg when I went to the doctor. I haven't had blood work done because I have no insurence...so i will have to wait til i can get some extra money.i guess i am just wanting some other ppl to share there stories or thoughts. I am in a constent state of worry and feel the need to be close enough to a hospital just in case something bad happens. I also google my symptoms, i know thats bad but whenever I do i usually tend to get more symptoms. Its really getting annoying, also my dr prescribed me larozepam but I dont like taking medication, I was hoping to find better ways to cope with this crazy time in my life. Any comments or anyone going through the same thing would help. I just need someone to talk to about
Thank you in advance
p.s i started smoking again to deal with this.