Hello Kitt, today was a good day. I had a lot of fun with my boy this morning with easter and all.
I don't know if it was such a great day because I was busy most of the day and didn't have time to be anxious lol or just because I do have days sometimes weeks when I feel great, but then it hits me like a slap in the face, anxiety!!
I do suffer from GERD so I have been changing a lot of my eating habbits, however today not such a great day as I am a full on lover of chocolate!! So I cheated and had some. But I have been telling myself all day, "tomorrow is a new day" so I will go back to watching what I eat then.
I have never really given much thought to therapy, maybe I will suggest it to my doctor the next time I go to see him. Calling a friend does help, I call my mom as she is my best friend! It does help talking to her, as she is pretty used to listening to me go on and on lol.
It is just so weird how anxiety can just hit a person right out of the blue. I can be having a great day, and just like that, smack I get indigestion which then leads to me thinking I am going to have a heart attack. I would think I would be used to it by now, I mean the indigestion feeling and know "this is just indigestion, it WILL eventually go away and you WILL feel great again"
Thank you so much for your kind words, it is such a relief knowing there are other people out there going through the same thing as I am. Sometimes when I am feeling anxious I just come here and read older posts, it seems to help me as well.